Ever had one of those days where everything was just going by pretty well and then all the sudden a special friend named Reality decided to come visit you.
Well today was my lucky day.

I received a letter in the mail from FedLoan. For those of you who don't know what this is it is one of the many businesses that handle student loans. The letter stated that my six months after graduation were about almost over and that I will be receiving my first bill next month. As you can imagine my heart dropped and I began to freak out a little. Not just because of the fact that I will be paying back the government for helping me receive a college education but the fact that its been six months since I walked across that stage at the University of Mississippi. All of these emotions began to come all over me. I began to reminisce my four years at Ole Miss. The friends I made, the organizations I was involved with, those long nights of studying and those early mornings of attending class. I felt like it was just yesterday. I was the little skinny girl at orientation telling people I'm from a small town called Water Valley, MS.
Now fast forward four years. I am now a Manager Trainee at a small consumer finance company called Tower Loan. It will be five months in November since I began working there. I now receive a real paycheck and have some pretty good benefits. I now pay bills like rent, electricity, water, cable, and etc.
I now can send money to my little sisters when they need something. (most of the time they don't but me being the best big sister ever I don't know how to say no lol ) Most importantly, I can help out my Mother who lives in Chicago when she may need it. I am now realizing how important it is to be responsible adult. I didn't think it would hit me but it has.
With being in the real world however, I still manage to have free time and make time for fun. I'm hardly ever here in Houston on weekends that I don't have to work. You will probably catch me back in Oxford attending a football game, visiting some friends at our dear old rival Mississippi State since it's like 30 minutes away from Houston ( trust me I feel awkward every time I go lol ), or like recently made a trip to New Orleans to visit a cousin I haven't seen since I was like twelve years old.
Regardless, I'm thankful for my good friend Reality for paying me a visit today. Although this is very overwhelming, I find calmness in knowing that I have grown into this "adult" Jasmine and know that things will only go up from here.