I woke up a couple of hours before my alarm went off this morning. Since I couldn't go back to sleep, I began to look through my planner and see what all needed to be done today. An overwhelming list (head to therapy, pay bills, work a 9.5 hour shift at Publix, finish work for some clients, and so much more).
I started to feel tired already. Not sure how things were going to get done, I just let out a big sigh. This week has been long and rugged. I feel like the days are going by slowly. I got sick of looking at my planner and threw it on the floor.
I went to my prayer closet.
It had been a minute since I have gone to my prayer closet. During this time, I tune out all distractions and literally just have a one on one with God.
He told me one thing: Relax.
Yes. Relax.
Sounds simple right? I was expecting a more detailed conversation with Him.
I began some deep breathing exercises that I learned from therapy.
I could feel all of the pressure fall off my back. Instant relief.
I took one more look at my planner and a smile came over me.
"Do what you can with what you have Jas." - Words that my Bigma tells me all the time.
This morning was a reminder to take it easy. Don't put more pressure on myself. God has always had a way of working on my behalf. How can I forget all of the times in the past when He showed up? Even though this week has been tough, He is still on my side.
So this is for anyone out there feeling overwhelmed and under pressure in this morning:
Let God work on your behalf.
