Hello Good People!
I know its been forever since I last updated my blog but I am back and ready to roll.
So the last time I wrote on here I was still living in Houston, Ms training to become a manager of my own branch. Most you already know but I got promoted on May 16th one day before my 23rd birthday. To say that that was the best birthday present I could have asked for would be an understatement. The office I was promoted to is in Jefferson City Missouri and I had to be there on May 20th (the next Monday). As you can imagine I had a lot of packing and getting my life together within those few days and coming weeks. But with the help of my family and friends and God giving me strength I was able to find a place within a few days, get all my things to Missouri, and finally settle in my new place. There were a lot of long nights and days of crying, lack of sleep, anxiety, and nervousness. But I made it through.

So here I am almost two in a half months later, rocking and rolling in the Show Me State. Where I am located I am about two hours away from Kansas City Mo and two hours away from St. Louis. I have probably been to St. Louis at least four times since moving here since it is so close and my friend Ariel was living there during the summer doing research for Washington University Medical School. Jefferson City is the capital of Missouri. The city is population is right around 70,000 with a lot of people working for the State living here. There is a historically black college called Lincoln University here and the University of Missouri is about twenty five minutes away in Columbia which is a huge city as well.
I have met some cool people here already. My co-worker Keri has been phenomenal in helping me get adjusted and showing me around the city. I had a customer invite me to her church when I first got here. The church opened me with open arms and I met some wonderful people. I got a chance to catch a DL Hughley comedy show two weeks ago and I had such an amazing time with some awesome group of ladies! These ladies are a blast to be around and I'm learning a lot from them.
Picking up everything and moving to a new state has definitely been an eye opening experience. Even though I was living on my own back in Houston, most of my friends and family were only about thirty minutes to an hour away so it was nothing to come home or visit almost every weekend. Now I pretty much have to plan well in advance when I can come back and visit. Mississippi is right around a seven hour drive but I am also about six hours away from my Mom and her side of the family back in Chicago. Homesickness has been so real but I am taking it all one day at a time. I have had some friends come and visit me throughout the summer so that was fun. They help me get the place looking like a home.
So whats next for Jasmine? Well I plan on working and making this office in Jefferson City one of the best in the State. My cousin cracked a joke on me the other day saying its time to start back dating. I have a big girl job, with big girl responsibilities and I need someone to come home too apparently smh. After telling her to calm down I did get to thinking and maybe getting back in the game isn't such a bad idea. Nothing wrong with it. We will just have to see how that goes and I am sure that journey will deserve its own section on this blog.
So I ask that everyone continue to keep me and your prayers and I will do the same. I promise I will do better about updating this thing to keep everyone in the loop of how am doing. I try to keep up with everyone as much as I can.
Until next time